Brown Stained LED Panels


The main reason why backlit panels don’t experience the same kind of brown staining is due to the way they are constructed. In a standard LED panel, the individual LEDs are mounted on the edge of the frame. Over time, the materials used in the prism can react with the heat and humidity, causing a brownish discoloration to appear on the surface of the panel.


In contrast, backlit panels use a different approach. Instead of mounting the LEDs directly onto the PCB, they use a separate diffuser or light guide panel that sits in front of the LED light source. This creates a more even distribution of light, which helps to prevent the uneven heating and humidity issues that can lead to brown staining.


Additionally, backlit panels often use higher-quality materials and manufacturing processes that are less prone to this kind of discoloration. The diffuser or light guide panel is typically made from more durable and stable materials, such as acrylic or polycarbonate, which are less reactive to the environmental conditions. Northcliffe supply a very high quality panel which also has a low glare prism lens giving better light spread, with a kinder softer light.


So, if you’re looking to avoid the problem of brown staining on your LED panels, a backlit design can be a great solution. The even distribution of light and the use of more robust materials can help to keep your panels looking their best for years to come.


Let me know if you have any other questions! I’m always happy to help.

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