Reviewing our working practices in the light of Covid19. The main concerns are not to get virus or to pass it on.

When entering clients premises it’s important to either wear use hand gel on entry and use disposable gloves while in the premises.

If any member of our team is feeling unwell or has a cough or cold they must not visit other sites and self-isolate for 14 days.


Survey visits must follow the site requirement for PPE adding COVID19 as required on the site also keeping distance regulations.



Installations require teams of 2-3 operatives who are required to keep strict hand hygiene and wear masks where appropriate or required. Distance rules apply especially when working adjacent the clients staff. Breaks are arranged to avoid busy lunch times or rest breaks to avoid contacts with the clients staff.


Guidance notes

Hand Washing
• Hand washing facilities with soap and water in place.
• Stringent hand washing taking place.
• See hand washing guidance.

• Drying of hands with disposable paper towels.
• Staff encouraged to protect the skin by applying emollient cream regularly
• Gel sanitisers in any area where washing facilities not readily available
Frequently cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched regularly particularly in areas of high use such as door handles, light switches, reception area using appropriate cleaning products and methods.

Social Distancing

Social Distancing -Reducing the number of persons in any work area to comply with the 2-metre (6.5 foot) gap recommended by the Public Health Agency
Taking steps to review work schedules including start & finish times/shift patterns, working from home etc. to reduce number of workers on site at any one time. Also relocating workers to other tasks.

Redesigning processes to ensure social distancing in place.